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Event Organizing

The record-breaking Habesha New Year Expo 2015 & Labyssine International Expo 2014 which was organized in collaboration with a France affiliate company, are some of the success indicators of our company.

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Exhibition & Trade fair

We Organize the best events exhibition all over Ethiopia

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Our Clients

We have received different awards and recognition from our customers of which majority are from privet & public sectors. We have been rewarded for our best quality services as per the terms and conditions of the contract agreement. We have supplied an estimated value of birr 18.7 million birr services in the budget year 2014.

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ታላላቅ የንግድ ትርዒቶችን በማዘጋጀት መልካም ዝና ያካበተው ሃበሻ ዊክሊ ፕሮሞሽን - የፋሲካ ኤግዚብሽንና ባዛር በታላቅ ድምቀት በሚሊኒየም አዳራሽ ! - ከመጋቢት 23 እሰከ ሚያዚያ 7 ያካሂዳል ፡፡ በዝግጅቱ 300 በላይ ስመጥር የአገር ውስጥና የውጭ ኩባኒያዎች የሚሳተፉበት ፤ በመቶ ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሸማቾች በሚጎበኙት በዚህ በአይነቱ ለየት ያለ ኤግዚቢሽንና ባዛር ላይ ድርጅቶን እና አገልግሎትዎን እንዲያስተዋውቁ ! ምርቶን በስፋት እንዲሸጡ - በአክብሮት ተጋብዘዋል ። በሚሊኒየም አዳራሽ ለተከታታይ 15ቀናት በሚቆየው ዩቶፕያ የፍሲካ ባዛር ገበያ በተጨሪ - ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ኦቶሞቲቭ ፣ ሪል-እስቴ እና ባንኮች በጋራ ከልዩ የባህል ቅናሽ ጋር የሚሳተፉበት የንግድ ትሪዒት እንዲሁም ብራይዳል ሾው እና የስራ ፈጣሪዎች ኮርነሮች ተዘጋጅተዋል፡፡ ሚሊኒየም አዳራሽ ከወተሮ የተለየ ድንቅ ክስተት ያስተናግዳል - በመግቢያ ቲኬት የመኪና ሽልማት ! ፤ በአፍሪካ የመጀመሪያው የዳይኖሰር ጁራሲክ ትእይንት ፤ ልጆችዎ ዘና የሚሉበት የማቆያና የጨዋታ ቦታ ፤ ነጻ ዋይፋይ እንዲሁም በየዕለቱ ዝነኛ አርቲስቶች ኤግዚቢሽኑን በኮንሰርት ያደምቁታል ! ፈጥነው በመመዝገብ ለአጭር ጊዜ የሚቆይ የ 20 በመቶ ቅናሽ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ ! የምዝገባ ቦታ በሚሊኒየም አዳራሽ ወይም በመድሃኒአለም ሞል 7ተኛ ፎቅ ! እንዲሁም በስልክ ቁጥር 0975808080 / 0976808080 በተጨማሪም በኮል-ሴንተር 8022 ላይ የበለጠ መረጃ ማግኘት ይችላሉ ! ዩቶፕያ ፍሲካ ኤክስፖ ! አዘጋጅ - ሃበሻ ዊክሊ ፕሮሞሽን !! ልዩነትን መፍጠር ልዩነታችን ነው !

Making life
Easy !

Habesha Weekly Promotion PLC is a legal private business entity that was established in 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia according to Ethiopian commercial law. Habesha Weekly is registered and licensed by the Minister of Trade.

Habesha Groups


We are in the business of creating customized, full-featured solutions in event organizing, media, advertising, production as wee as ICT and consulting sector. We are ideal people who follow through, we aim for perfection. We focused on user experience. We love what we do and we are good at it. Therefore, we are working to become the number one choice in the market and indeed, we will too.

The enormous experience that habesha weekly has gained so far unquestionable put a great deal influence for the quality of our service which can try to win the customer soul. This optimistic progress was only achieved after loads of handwork and painful efforts. The qualities of the works have done by habesha weekly alone and in the collaboration with other companies in the sector have been remarkable and fruitful. The feedback obtained from spectator confirmed the same fact. Such inspiring progress helped us to become promising full service digital agency, through our financial as well as technical resources to provide the nation with preeminent solution.


Habesha Weekly Promotion PLC is a legal private business entity that was established in 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia according to Ethiopian commercial law. Habesha Weekly is registered and licensed by the Minister of Trade. Our company is registered as tax payer and has TIN |0020122591| & VAT |3332920010| registration certificate to engaged in general service & trading provision. Our company’s head office is located in Bole sub city, Woreda 03 , Bole Medhanyalem street , Robel Plaza, office 405 . In addition, our state-of-the-art creative advertising & production studio is located in Bole sub city, Woreda 03 , Bole Medhanyalem street , Berhane Adere Africa Mall, office 404 . We also have active sale agents in Dubai, France, USA, Chania & Kenya who facilitate our service to our customers all over the world.



Sharing values knowledge without any hesitation, to generate a great result with a mutual benefit. choose to proactively advise the best solution for the best result. create and empowering and inspiring environment for our member's at work of and in life.


We honor our words as our commitment. committed to what we declare to it properly , by the time it is supposed to be done. choose to say what we really mean to say, with value of contribution.  


Do whatever it takes with the highest effort to achieve an over-expected result. choose to aim at a measurable and specific results. arrange ourselves around the result and hold other people accountable for relevant result.


Choose to be responsible for every single work we do. including be responsible to produce result ourselves at the source of the result.


We aspire to grow into a leading full service digital communication agency in Africa, creating a Giga market network in the continent and help Ethiopia become the hub of business, tourism and communication in Africa.


To provide leadership in digital brand building with “exe-able” creativity, holistic approach and excellent performance. To become prominent creative media, digital advertising & marketing Company, satisfy our clients and partners with innovative ideas and the delivery of excellent service.


We Provide comprehensive end-to-end solutions for your company. Combining the elegance and logic of traditionally communication approach with modern electronic media practices, we provide a full range of creative and specialized realty representation & presentation organizing  different activity and deliver design services.


Habesha Weekly is a full service digital agency established by renowned business owners and professionals having higher educational trainings and extensive experience in Creative Art, ICT, Marketing and Economics. Currently, Habesha Weekly has over 30 permanents & 20 part time skilled professional employees. Our company has established a strong business network throughout the country appointing highly motivated marketing agents in all regional capitals. We are also planning to expand the overall facility and human resource capacity in the upcoming year.

Habesha Weekly has well defined & modern organizational structure. At head office level the company’s structural organization is divided into six main departments namely Management Team, Marketing Team, Account Team, Creative & PR Team, Production House and Social Media & ICT Team.

Team Skill 91%
Team Integration 85%
Performance 90%

Habesha Weekly has been developed the capacity to execute contract works and laid down basic infrastructure that enable the company to handle contractual agreement. The basic facilities can be summarized as follow:


Our company has well equipped state-of-the-art studio with modern media & production equipment, which is located close to our head office in the capital city center. The studio is fully sound proofed, ready for any kind of sound recording & TV show production. Our studio is currently satisfying small segment of local market demand as compared to potential demand. Thus, we have further expansion planning to scale up the market.


Our company’s head office is located in Bole sub-city, Woreda 3, Robel Plaza, office number 405,  in the business center of the city, Bole Medhanyalem Rod. Our office is equipped with elegant office furniture, up to date office accessories, computers that are connected to dedicated broadband internet, Wi-Fi & meeting rooms. Our office parking has sufficient space that could enable to load and unload goods and services.


Our company has sufficient transportation facilities to move the required goods and services from place to place. Not only Lorries to move goods and services we have also fast transport facility sufficient motor cycles that move light.


Habesha Weekly has been in the market for a number of years and established its market channels. The company has planned to implement effective marketing strategy to expand its market share in domestic and foreign market and stay competitive. Some of the proposed marketing strategies include:

  • We Apply market development strategy by identifying new potential market areas.
  • We make huge advertisement and promotion through different Medias, company’s web site, e-mail, magazines, and broachers to create full awareness of company’s products to the public.

– We Apply efficient and effective financial system.

-We Apply strong financial expenditure control.

-We Assure proper utilization of the company’s assets.

Average Annual Volume of work   performed in the last 5 years



Habesha Weekly has great future plan that are believed to inspire sector industry. Some of our future plans expansions are:

  • Organizing the first International Manufacturing Expo in Ethiopian
  • Making the first international standard 3D Film
  • General Manufacturing & mineral exploitation
  • Art center & institution
  • Import & export of technological Goods
We have received different awards and recognition from our customers of which majority are from privet & public sectors. We have been rewarded for our best quality services as per the terms and conditions of the contract agreement. We have supplied an estimated value of birr million birr services in the budget year 2014/1. Some of our esteemed customers are:

Clients Testimonials


The record-breaking Habesha New Year Expo 2015 & Labyssine International Expo 2014 which was organized in collaboration with a France affiliate company, are some of the success indicators of our company. The expo created a great market opportunity by connecting face-to-face over a million decision maker visitors with over 1,000 local & international companies by applying innovative marketing & promotion plan.


Creative designs done with passion and dedication. creative minds to create your companies new look.


Media Coverage on some of our popular events.


Recognition of some of our excellent performance.



Vacancy Available


Medhanyalem Mall , Bole sub city, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Our hours

2:30 AM – 11:00 PM (Local Time)
Monday – Saturday

Contact us

Call Center -8022

+2519-75 80 80 80

+2519-76 80 80 80


Habesha Groups
